By Lauren Gumbs
Indonesia is going to save a massive A$9 billion in 2015, by
increasing diesel and gasoline prices RP 2,000 per litre (18c).
That’s $9 billion that can be allocated to poverty
alleviation, health and infrastructure out of around $22 billion that is spent
on the subsidy each year.
It keeps petrol at half the market price, RP6,500 per litre
(66c), and other types of fuel similarly low.
To an Australian who pays around $1.50 a litre, a fuel
subsidy is a fiscal profligacy that could not be justified as it reduces the cost
of living for the wealthy and middle class at the expense of the poor who are
left without adequate spending on things like health and education.
While Australia has its share of dubious tax breaks and
schemes that favour high income earners, it would be unimaginable to provide
concessions for private vehicle owners, encouraging more cars on the road and
perpetuating import and fossil fuel dependency.
Indonesia is actually an importer, not a producer, and the
expense of subsidising fuel has left the country with an account deficit for
the past two and a half years.
Many Indonesians are heavily invested in cheap fuel and fear
not just inflation of the cost of living, but corruption; savings they might
never see translated into economic outcomes.
Fuel subsidy is a popular program for obvious reasons –
using a vehicle is cheap, using a generator is cheap, doing business is cheap -
and this does trickle down to the cost of living, but it is also an
unsustainable program that disproportionately benefits the well off.
The price of subsidised fuel is not a ‘true’ price, it
distorts the cost of resources and contributes to over consumption without
actually adding value to the economy.
Fuel subsidy, like electricity subsidies, is a luxury
concession and far outweighs spending on health, education, defence, social
security or the environment.
Even in 2011 it was reported that in Indonesia the top 40 percent of income earners
make up 70% of gasoline consumption and in countries with fuel subsidies, on
average, the top income earners consume six times as much fuel as the bottom
In addition, the top five percent of households consume 82
litres of subsidised gasoline per month, whereas the bottom five percent
consume only 1.7 litres.
Jokowi inherited a budget from his predecessor but has since
acted on an election pledge to reduce the fuel subsidy, allocating RP443
trillion (AUD $41.8 billion) for 2015-2019.
He did not need parliamentary approval this year but he will need the
legislature to sign off on the budget next year, which dominated by his
opposition, will pose a challenge.
Jokowi was unable to convince former President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to reduce the amount before he left office to make room
for Jokowi’s reform programs.
It was unlikely SBY would acquiesce his last budget to enable
Jokowi’s reforms and shoulder the blame for price hikes, especially as he had
been down that road before.
Over the past five years SBY spent RP 713 trillion (UD $67.3
billion) on fuel subsidies alone.
Yudhoyono increased fuel costs last year (some may remember
lines extending kilometres from the local Pertamina as people rushed to fill up
cars and containers after gasoline went from RP4,500 to RP6,500).
Increased fuel prices are predictably accompanied by fierce
protests because many Indonesians believe the subsidies will not be properly
Fuel subsidies are a direct discount that can be felt in the
wallet and benefits like infrastructure and poverty alleviation programs could
be years into the future - if they ever materialise at all.
In a country facing endemic corruption in resource and
service delivery, losing such a concrete concession program seems an
unconscionable risk to many.
The reality is that the ones who benefit the most from the
subsidy are also those who can afford to absorb an increase, but because fuel
subsidies look so much like a benefit, most people believe they are being
Students and workers have been particularly riled at the
impost and staged protests around the country when Yudhoyono introduced cuts in
his final term. They are vocal once again as President Jokowi introduces the new
price increases.
Yet such a move so early in the game could make him deeply
unpopular and really create a frenzy – IMF mandated fuel subsidy cuts were part
of Suharto’s final undoing, resulting in riots that eventually overthrew him.
Jokowi however, has stuck to a clear platform to address
poverty and overhaul the economy and he is determined to phase out fuel
subsidies across his four year term.
He said he would tackle poverty, he said he would upgrade
infrastructure, he said he would improve the economy and he has logically gone
after the most obvious example of misplaced funds that will free up the budget
to implement real, nation changing reform programs.
Jokowi now faces stiff resistance from those who have the
most to lose from a redistribution of luxury concessions but also from those
who believe it is cheap fuel that keeps the cost of living down.
The hard part is getting people to understand that fuel
subsidies are not normal and are contributing to the wealth divide that drives
the rich/poor polarity.
An increase in the price of fuel will have immediate
effects, it will push the price of food and other commodities up, but this will
level out as funds are redistributed.
After all fuel subsidies made up 55 percent of total
subsidies in 2011, a mind boggling amount that should be spent on pulling
Indonesians out of poverty, and savings from cuts can be used to stall inflation
in the aftermath of a fuel increase when there is some upheaval while the
market settles.
But is Jokowi’s plan any different from Yudhoyono’s and will
he have success in eroding fuel subsidy dependence?
SBY was hesitant to take the plunge but in 2013 lawmakers
voted in favour of a revised budget and, amid violent protests, fuel increased
33 percent.
SBY set aside $900 million for cash hand-outs to poor
families but Jokowi said he will not do this because the money is spent frivolously
on things like phones
and phone credit rather than saved.
Instead he wants to encourage people to bank their money, so
he will make funds available for withdrawal from banks using a welfare card.
Jokowi will use the $9 billion in savings to support farmers,
fisherman and workers and to build roads and establish basic infrastructure
like irrigation.
Not only will programs like this assist productivity, it
will make transportation and doing business in Indonesia much more efficient –
and society far more fair.
Spending money on programs that improve people’s quality of
life and ability to become productive will allow for greater social mobility, a
less prominent wealth divide and ultimately a stronger economy.
If Jokowi is to achieve a market based rate within four
years, he will need to reduce dependency gradually, during low inflation
periods, while at the same time making sure savings are distributed to
transparent reform programs with tangible benefits.
If the Indonesian
people can see what they are getting and where the money is going, Jokowi can
rebuild public trust and administer a budget that adds value not just to the
economy but to people’s lives.
Lauren Gumbs is a postgraduate Human Rights student and Director of Social Media at the Indonesia Institute.